Premiere Course Du Rhum
The Course du Rhum (Rhum Race) is the most famous of all the Caribbean sailing races and takes place every four years. Held in the breathtaking setting of the Caribbean archipelago, the Course du Rhum sails from the French Caribbean Islands to the British Caribbean Islands. It was first held in 1978 and has since become the premier sailing race in the Caribbean. The Course du Rhum consists of a race for both monohull boats – as well as multihull boats - and is known for its intense competition and rigor. Boats must traverse up to 4,000 nautical miles beginning in the French Caribbean Islands, sailing around the iconic island of Antigua and finish in the British Virgin Islands. The Course du Rhum is an international attraction and continually draws a large international participation from both professional and amateur sailors alike. There is fierce competition amongst the top racers and many of the boats feature the latest technologies resulting in impressive speeds and acrobatic maneuvers. Racing in the Course du Rhum is as much a challenge of endurance and teamwork as it is a challenge of skill and speed. Preparation and determination are key factors in the success of any boat that enters the course. Boats are equipped with the latest communications and navigational systems to aid them in traversing the various points. The Course du Rhum is an iconic event that has proven to be a test of skill, strength and perseverance in spite of challenging conditions. As the race has grown in popularity and international racers come to challenge the sea, the Course du Rhum continues to be a mainstay in Caribbean sailing and a highlight in the vast array of Caribbean recreational and sporting events.
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