Achieve 100% success in drawing lifelike Portraits

Achieve 100% success in drawing lifelike Portraits

This course takes you through subjects such as; how pencils are made, what paper to use, types of erasers, planning your portrait, creating values and many more elements to ensure you create a perfect likeness of your subject every time.

It will take you step by step in real time through transferring your subject from a photographic reference to your drawing surface using the 'grid' method. This guarantees that your finished work will be exactly like the person you're drawing.

Alan has a 100% success rate with his students of all ages. Provided you follow the video lectures to the end, you cannot fail, so join him and discover your new talent which will inspire and amaze your family and friends as well as guaranteeing successful commissions if that is your wish.

Make this year, the year of your creative transformation. The one problem I see time and time again is the frustration artists go through when it comes to drawing a perfect likeness. This fear of failure can be reversed to knowing in advance that you are going to achieve success before you even start. How would that make you feel? Don't put it off and join this easy-to-follow course today.

Learn to draw a perfect likeness every time

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What you will learn
  • How to draw portraits with 100% accuracy

Rating: 4.75

Level: All Levels

Duration: 5.5 hours

Instructor: Alan Keane

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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