Reiki Courses Sunshine Coast

Reiki courses on the Sunshine Coast, Australia, provide an opportunity for anyone to learn the healing art of Reiki. Whether you are a beginner or a more advanced practitioner, you can find a class to suit your needs. Reiki is a holistic healing system, using universal energy to bring balance and harmony to the body and mind. In your Reiki course on the Sunshine Coast, you will learn about the history and principles of Reiki, as well as specific practices such as hand positions, the chakra system, and the use of a Reiki grid. You will learn ways to activate the life force energy within and use the skills to heal yourself and others. You will also learn how to recognize and use symbols to facilitate healing treatments. At the end of the course, most students are certified either as a Level I, II or III practitioner, which also allows them to provide professional Reiki therapies. The Sunshine Coast offers a variety of Reiki courses to meet different needs and interests. For instance, some practitioners prefer in-person classes while others like to learn online. You can also find courses that specialize in specific Reiki techniques such as crystal balancing, past life healing, or meditation. Whatever type of class you choose, you can rest assured that your Reiki trainer will have the qualifications, experience and knowledge to teach Reiki in the most effective way. On the Sunshine Coast, you can find Reiki practitioners to teach classes and workshops, as well as fellow students to practice and exchange tips. So if you’re looking for a way to experience the healing power of Reiki, why not try one of the Reiki courses on the Sunshine Coast? You’ll be able to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become a professional Reiki practitioner in your own right.

Learn Ancient Reiki & Dr,Mikao Usui Master Symbols

Tap into Natural Healing Abilities trough the power of Ancient Reiki,Reiki is the Universal Life Force Healing Energy

Rating: 5

Orion's Light & Pleiadian Reiki ~ Master Level.

Your Soul’s passage for elevation and communication with the Beings of Light, Spiritual Guides & Celestial Protectors.

Rating: 5

Die 10 Heilungsgesetze im Reiki

Reiki Spezial 4

Rating: 5

Ativação dos codigos de luz Arcturianos

Ativaçao dos comandos de luz, Pulsar, Comando para cura nas naves arcturianas, geometria sagrada, tecnologias arcturiana

Rating: 5

Reiki for Witches - Crystal Reiki Certification Lv 3/Master

Sol Path Crystal Reiki Certification Lv 3/Master with Nicole Marie

Rating: 5

सिगिल सिंबल कोर्स (Sigil Symbol Course)

For Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Relationship, Education and more

Rating: 5

Advanced Chakra Healing with Nicole Marie

An in-depth look at the 7 main chakras, the secondary chakras, and how we can heal and balance them

Rating: 5

Taller aprendiendo a canalizar con los Ángeles

Aprende a canalizar y a disfrutar de la energía que te ofrecen los ángeles

Rating: 5

Qi Gong (Chi Kung) Terapêutico

Despertando o Curador Interno

Rating: 5


Die Emotionale Berührung, die man bei Angst, Panik, Selbstwertgefühl oder einfach nur als Entspannung einsezen kann

Rating: 5

Magickal Defense - Crystals for Protection with Nicole Marie

Learn to shield your energy, deflect psychic attack, and shore up your protection with crystals

Rating: 5

Explaining the Reiki Usui Symbols

and their usage

Rating: 5

Reiki do Unicórnio

Sistema de equilíbrio energético

Rating: 5

Gran Maestro di Reiki da Livello 16 al 20

Corso per diventare Reiki Grand Master, con certificato riconosciuto a livello internazionale

Rating: 5

Money Reiki - Livello 3 - Grand Master

Corso per diventare Money Reiki Grand Master, con certificato riconosciuto a livello internazionale

Rating: 5

Reiki Cabalistico dei sette sigilli di Marte

Corso Master di Reiki applicato ai sigilli cabalistici di Re Salomone

Rating: 5

Reiki Cabalistico dei cinque sigilli di Mercurio

Corso Master di Reiki applicato ai sigilli cabalistici di Re Salomone

Rating: 5

Rising Star Reiki - Livello 3 Master

Reiki Cabalistico delle lettere ebraiche

Rating: 5

Palmistry with Heavenly Helen

learn what your life journey holds just by reading the lines on your Hand

Rating: 5

Witchcraft Workshop: Poppets for Healing with Nicole Marie

Crafting, Birthing, and Dismantling Poppets for Healing Magick

Rating: 5

Celtic Reiki Nivel I


Rating: 5

Reiki 301 Certification - Global Healing, Portals & Cord Cut

Become a Certified Usui Reiki Level 3 Practitioner - Learn Global Healing, Cord Cutting, Energy Portals, Auto Writing..

Rating: 5

Reiki nova energia - Sol'a'vana


Rating: 5

Crystals and The Elements with Nicole Marie

Examine the Elements as Living Spirits and Learn to Invoke them into Crystals

Rating: 5

Practical Mastery Of Reiki

Reiki self- treatment, Reiki principles, Reiki strategies, healing tools from a reiki master etc

Rating: 5

7 Rays Of Angels - Reiki Energy System

The Seven Archangels and Rays

Rating: 5

Reiki Master Class Level 1 - Easy & Powerful

Become a Level 1 Reiki Master and Practitioner

Rating: 5

Bhakti Healing Level 2

Energy Anatomy, Symbols, Crystals and Distance Healing

Rating: 5

Reiki for Witches - Crystal Reiki Certification Level 2

Sol Path Crystal Reiki Certification Lv 2 with Nicole Marie

Rating: 5

Chakra Meditations

Clean, Cleanse and Activate your Chakras through meditations

Rating: 5

Reiki Dragón Cristal- Teacher Certification

Conoce las Energías del Dragón Cristal

Rating: 5

Reiki Protection for Everyone, Alltime - Master class

Reiki protection for everyone, Instructor course

Rating: 5

A Hypnotherapists Guide to True Inner Healing

A scientific and spiritual approach to improving your life and your mental health. (Includes hypnotherapy recordings)

Rating: 5

Reiki Xamânico - Ma'heo'o - Nível 1

A Natureza e o Grande Espírito

Rating: 5

Perseus's Light & Andromedan Reiki ~ Certified!

Your Soul's healing, through the prism that reflects and harmonises the seven virtues of love!

Rating: 5

Reiki Großmeistergrad 4a - Arbeit mit dem Herzsymbol

Reiki Grandmasterclass Teil 1/4

Rating: 5

Quit Smoking With Hypnosis, NLP, EFT & meditation

the multi method program gives you the highest results in ending addictions in 30 days

Rating: 5

Self-Acceptance: The magical art of being a man

How men can have the best relationships, get the respect they deserve and make the world a better place to live

Rating: 5

EFT Energy

Diventa un praticante di EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, nella sua prima variante, EFT Energy.

Rating: 5

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