Mit Self Reported Coursework
The MIT Self-Reported Coursework (SRCT) process is a way for current or prospective MIT students to share coursework or educational experiences that have not been officially reported to the MIT Admissions office. This can include college-level coursework taken at another institution, high school honor or AP classes, or other educational experiences such as independent study or research projects. The SRCT process is designed to recognize the coursework or experiences that a student has taken outside of their official course of study as it relates to their prospective enrollment at MIT. This recognition allows the Admissions Office to consider a student’s full academic background when making admissions decisions. Admitted undergraduate students are eligible to use the SRCT process to demonstrate academic preparation in the event that they applied or were admitted without submitting official transcripts of post-secondary coursework or of standard academic courses such as calculus or physics. Additionally, students who have taken college-level coursework after their admission to MIT can submit their course information to the SRCT process in order to have the classes reviewed and recognized by the Admissions Office. Ultimately, the SRCT process is a way to ensure a fair evaluation of a student’s academic preparedness for their chosen major. It’s important to note that not all self-reported coursework will be approved; Admissions officers reserve the right to deny recognition for any course that does not meet the appropriate requirements. All self-reported coursework should be carefully documented and any relevant course syllabi should be included in your submission.

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