From 0 to 1: Learn Python Programming - Easy as Pie

From 0 to 1: Learn Python Programming - Easy as Pie

A Note on the Python versions 2 and 3: The code-alongs in this class all use Python 2.7. Source code (with copious amounts of comments) is attached as a resource with all the code-alongs. The source code has been provided for both Python 2 and Python 3 wherever possible.

What's Covered:

  • Introductory Python: Functional language constructs; Python syntax; Lists, dictionaries, functions and function objects; Lambda functions; iterators, exceptions and file-handling
  • Database operations: Just as much database knowledge as you need to do data manipulation in Python
  • Auto-generating spreadsheets: Kill the drudgery of reporting tasks with xlsxwriter; automated reports that combine database operations with spreadsheet auto-generation
  • Text processing and NLP: Python’s powerful tools for text processing - nltk and others.
  • Website scraping using Beautiful Soup: Scrapers for the New York Times and Washington Post
  • Machine Learning : Use sk-learn to apply machine learning techniques like KMeans clustering
  • Hundreds of lines of code with hundreds of lines of comments
  • Drill #1: Download a zip file from the National Stock Exchange of India; unzip and process to find the 3 most actively traded securities for the day
  • Drill #2: Store stock-exchange time-series data for 3 years in a database. On-demand, generate a report with a time-series for a given stock ticker
  • Drill #3: Scrape a news article URL and auto-summarize into 3 sentences
  • Drill #4: Scrape newspapers and a blog and apply several machine learning techniques - classification and clustering to these

A Python course for absolute beginners - this will take you to a fairly serious early intermediate level.

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What you will learn
  • Pick up programming even if you have NO programming experience at all
  • Write Python programs of moderate complexity
  • Perform complicated text processing - splitting articles into sentences and words and doing things with them

Rating: 4.3

Level: All Levels

Duration: 10.5 hours

Instructor: Loony Corn

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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