A Shamanic Journey
A Shamanic Journey
1. A New Vision – A New Business Plan
In November 2020 and after the great challenge of blocking the virus, my business plan that I had kept focused for the last years became obsolete and I felt the need to rewrite it. They say we should review our business plan every few years as we and our circumstances change. If you are in the same place as me, I invite you to review the following points together so that you too can build your business plan that allows you to define, organize and focus your thoughts.
And another thing: I do not consider that my work or occupation should be separated from the rest of my life; I am determined to weave both aspects as one and create time and space for each one so that they have a link to each other so that my work becomes part of my life and my life is embedded in my work ... Especially today that we have the perfect opportunity if we mix our free time with our option to work from home.
2. An (Un)Fortunate Incident
In this lecture, we talk about the numerology of some important dates in 2020. We may think that numbers are not relevant in our daily lives, or maybe that they are just anecdotally interesting, but the Universe works like a perfect mathematical equation and nothing happens by chance. So, when numbers speak loudly, pay attention ... This is a time of change, with potential and possibility. I would like to think that this story can help you focus your energies on what is important in life: what makes us firm, strong inside, and with a clear direction of where we are going. But in any case, and if you have doubts, any energy work you do at the level of the Heart Chakra will take you in the same direction. And in my opinion, it's really worth it.
3. The Heart: A Door to Your Potential
Unlike my past, these days I go through life with little agitation. Having done years of developing energy and awareness, I am always focused on the positive possibilities. All negative circumstances in our lives are a message from the Universe that brings us a gift in the form of perhaps "shocking experiences", but a great "present" or gift nonetheless: a creative change. We need to put aside the way we used to do things and allow for a simplified and more efficient way of opening ourselves to possibilities. That is, a new version of our old dream and a new version of ourselves. Simply put, if it's time to specialize and redefine ourselves, allowing a new vision to form for the future, how do we do it? ... Read on.
4. December 2020 – Make it Real
In December 2020 we were forced to stop and regroup our resources. I could describe it as small confinement within the confinement - the universe putting on the handbrake, just for a moment.
We were being asked to go beyond where we had come and reconfigure, refocus, and redefine our options. Basically, we first have to decide who we are, and second, express ourselves in everything we do. Finally, we need to find the most resonant area of expertise, the one that makes us the happiest.
There are no rights or guarantees. If 2021 has shown us anything, it is that the only security and guarantee we have is the power of our inner being, centered and clear of all the noise that surrounds us. We have to learn to simplify our lives because control is no longer useful and flow is a new way.
5. Leveraging Our Skills
In this lecture, I talk about how the beginning of 2021, we felt the need to stop for a moment and catch our breath from what was the energy marathon of 2020. At the same time, there was a new with vaccines beginning to roll: a lighter feeling, a new approach.
We are almost there... but not yet. Wo we need to save our personal energy for what really matters to us, with a base of calibration or rebalancing - because part of the change that we should all try to achieve this year is to calm down and trust with absolute certainty that we are actually moving in the right direction towards a better future for all.
6. An Astrological Profile
In preparation for this important new year 2021, I made a complete Astrological Profile online. In 2020 we have all been severely confined by the pandemic and I used this time to fully focus on gathering all the information that I had produced for 20 years, in order to recreate myself using the modern technology available today. I spent a whole week reading, gathering information, summarizing it, and writing it down on my spiritual diary.
Are you ready or ready to integrate and utilize the natural and limitless universal or cosmic energy currents freely offered to you, in order to take your life to the next level? Or will you deny yourself and the world the spark of your amazing and brilliant spirit?
You, like me, then may think that it is an impossible task, but if you look around you, you will surely find all the answers to all your questions, right where you are.
7. Shamanic Journey (Part 1): Purge of Emotions
Emotions are gateways to the unconscious. They are portals of healing. Many of us grew up having to please others. This means that the reward for our actions is acceptance, or lack thereof, depending on whether we react in ways considered "acceptable" within the Status Quo or the social structure that surrounds us.
Emotions guide us through the illusion of reality. Once this hidden truth becomes conscious, once we can see it face to face, we can handle the released energy that we used to utilize to repress that truth: our lie, our prison. And this is how we create a path through the purging of emotions.
8. Shamanic Journey (Part 2): A Healing Shift
Many of us do not even realize that we live in self-imposed prisons created from a misunderstanding of a life that was presented to us. We locked ourselves in an emotionally oppressive environment that we couldn’t overcome… until we grow up in awareness.
The confinement forced us to take a new rhythm. Somehow, we had to learn to organically integrate all the new circumstances and changes that began in early 2020, and that offered us healing and emotional freedom.
In my case, the trigger was my health, but it could also be anything equally toxic in our lives, be it a relationship, a job, an addiction, a stifled mentality, an inflexible attitude... Anything that slows us down, that prevents us from expanding to reach our bright future.
9. Shamanic Journey (Part 3): Shamanic Test
The eclipse and full moon of December 30th 2020, were quite significant. In fact, astrologer Kari Samuels says that this portal opens a "new frontier, a karmic awakening in which we recover parts of ourselves: we recover our intuition.
This total eclipse was supposed to bring to light great discoveries of energies that were hidden. The time had come to resolve this matter once and for all so I was happy for the pain, the discovery, and the reminder that I have the power to heal my own mind, body and my own life.
Because for me a disease is a crystallized vibration. It is a marker that tells us where we have stopped on our way, and forces us to take stock in order to be able to make a new decision.
10. Shamanic Journey (Part 4): A Study of Grief
We force our cells to lock or shrink when we ignore the first signs of imbalance. Cells do what the main consciousness of the body tells them, but we pay a very high price: as our energy is blocked, the body will wait for the moment to charge us the accrued interest. And this interest is always in the negative column of the balance of our lives. We can also call it Karma.
As the imbalance progresses, the body registers all the violations to our integrity by releasing stress hormones. But we do not act on them because this is a perceived reality and we are neither fighting nor fleeing. These hormones accumulate in the body and are directed inward, linked to painful emotions. When we are ready to free ourselves from the disease, we must touch the emotion that locked the physical.
All this happens in the subconscious, so we don’t really realize that this is going on. But the body is building up stress. As we deny ourselves emotionally, as that we lie to ourselves and to the world in reference to our personal power… is it any wonder that this situation becomes a psychosomatic reality?
11. Shamanic Journey (Part 5): Achieving Balance
Nicholas Sieben LAC talks about the "alchemy of physiological metabolism" or the way we interact with the outside world through digestion. The "Luo Vessels" are blood vessels under the skin, which retain toxins and bacteria that could harm the body, by preventing them from circulating through the meridians to the organs.
It is incredible how all traumas are confined in the body in the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems, kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs... Each organ with its corresponding emotion and each meridian serving as an energy highway, transporting all frequencies of awareness around the body. But the organs cannot function well living in the past; and even when we have seen and solved a problem spiritually and cognitively, the body clings to them as if it were the moment the episode occurred… because the body really has a mind of its own!
12. Wolf Moon of the 28-01-2021
Many of us do not even realize that we live in self-imposed prisons, created from a misunderstanding of a life that was presented to us, but we lock ourselves in an emotional environment that we perceive as oppressive and that we cannot overcome until we grow in consciousness. When life gives us lemons, we should understand that the way forward is by making lemonade. It is then that a two-way communication channel can be opened - we share our gifts, and the universe responds with the same vibrational frequency as per the Law of Attraction. This connection with the universal flow of communication of giving and receiving takes place when you give of your gifts without holding back. It is then that we can receive the answer of the universe in return saying: "You have found the alignment you were looking for"
13. New Moon, New Seed
In this lecture, I talk about how in the second half of 2020, we were asked to re-establish and reposition our activity platform. This required a great simplification in our approach to work, resources (also waste), relationships... That is, deep cleaning of our lives. And the reason we needed to do this was because, in energy terms, we were at a new threshold. We were asked to clarify where we come from, who we are, and most importantly, who we want to become.
If you have not sown your own seed, activate your creative juices and ignite your soul, take advantage of this freely given moment... because there is no moment like the present.
14. A Bizarre Dream – Whales Bubble-Net Feeding
Being held back means resisting our higher destiny, which is the opposite of what I have been working on for 24 years: that is, releasing the blocks to my fullest potential. Whale totem talks about how we need to "find our personal song” - so I had to keep looking for what made me happy, the work that effortlessly expressed my authenticity and personality.
If you are reading these lines and you do not know what your vision of your destiny is, I would say: first, take notes of this story; second, visit my Instagram account: I am sure that with these insights, you will succeed in awakening the light in your soul and project it outwards into the world.
15. Success Kit for the New Consciousness: Part 1 - Innovation
(Based in the Astrologer José Millán’s Video: “The New Human” (El Nuevo Humano)
We are used to asserting control, manipulating, forcing things to happen using excessive force or personal will... when we realize that we need to let go of that control, bow down to the universal will and let it be, trusting that things they will come together in due time, we will need to find the point of equilibrium underlined by natural cycles. Attributes such as patience, tenacity, the release of results, the natural maturity of projects ... releasing our tendency to crystallize goals or immovable objectives, the fears of not having enough, of missing something, of not being on top of the pyramid of power, of not having control... can emerge. In this sense, innovation must be based on a strong level of awareness so that we can create and let go at the same time.
16. Success Kit for the New Consciousness: Part 2 – Shared Responsibility
(Based in the Astrologer José Millán’s Video: “The New Human” (El Nuevo Humano)
As the past is dismantled, a new way of looking at the world is born. We may not all see it, but we can all feel it. And within the new limitations, there is new hope. I am sure that you can identify with that feeling of secretly waiting for the moment, for a crack in this timeline, to seize your opportunity; to put your foot in the door of your dream life and with luck, to make that change you always wanted to make, but for which you had neither the energy, nor the resources, nor the knowledge, nor the drive to do so.
And I am sure that if you are honest with yourself you will admit, at least to yourself in the silence of your thoughts, that the change imposed on the world was somehow good - something "cracked" in this impossible and suffocating reality and we could take a respite from the roller coaster that modern life has become, allowing us to pause for a moment and glimpse a new possibility, one that required less money, less "production" and more happiness.
17. Success Kit for the New Consciousness: Part 3 – Living in Uncertainty
(Based in the Astrologer José Millán’s Video: “The New Human” (El Nuevo Humano)
According to José Millán (and I agree), we are currently experiencing "a systemic global collapse and a chaotic and destabilizing situation". The way to cope with this type of transition is to release old patterns of behavior and incorporate new ones into our "survival kit". In this case, José Millán says that "we will solve problems by accessing a higher level of consciousness instead of fighting with them and exhausting ourselves in the process".
For a long time, I (and many others on the path of awareness or personal development) have spoken of the Tao as a balance between being and doing, in order to learn to deal with the faster and new energies, to learn how to let go instead of resisting and fighting.
We want to learn to allow instead of blocking, to flow instead of controlling ... More Yin and less Yang or rather, find a new balance. And I believe that all of us, as global humanity and a world community, feel and understand that this is true.
18. Success Kit for the New Consciousness. Part 4: An Evolutionary Advantage
(Based in the Astrologer José Millán’s Video: “The New Human” (El Nuevo Humano)
When Sir Francis Bacon wrote his famous saying, "knowledge itself is power", I think he was referring to what is generally believed in our modern world: that one can achieve anything with skill or understanding. This in turn brings influence, status, and leadership. Or at least that's what we think.
This is the real or physical meaning of this phrase. But the non-physical meaning, some would say unreal and I would say that energetic or spiritual of this saying, is that we have a subconscious with a mostly untapped knowledge... and this is for me the real power.
Indeed, we are entering an age of higher consciousness. The global pandemic clearly showed us that we are all in the same boat. More and more people are realizing that we are all one and the same, and that if we want to achieve a sustainable solution for the future, we have to put together our knowledge and skills to create a new way of thinking, a new way of doing business.
The past is where we come from. Now we look at the present, we decide what works or does not work, and we must collectively take responsibility to change it, in order to create a better future.
A Course in Personal Transformation
Url: View Details
What you will learn
- Spirituality
- Metaphysics
- Vibrational Healing

Rating: 0
Level: Intermediate Level
Duration: 3 hours
Instructor: Dr Ana Garcia PhD DTM
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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