Ultimate Thai language for starters

Ultimate Thai language for starters

Hello, Everyone! My name is FAM and I make this course because a lot of my students fail in learning Thai language by reason of time and limitations. In this course, you are going to learn basic Thai step by step and do a lot of activities to make sure that you would understand the context and use Thai correctly.

I would like to save your money and time as much as possible, that's why we created this class by using the most important information and topic to become the fastest and easiest basic Thai course.

After you finish the course, you will be able to:

  1. Use Thai polite particles correctly.

  2. Speak Thai by using basic expressions.

  3. Count 0 to 100 in Thai and realize using of Thai tones.

  4. Introduce yourself in Thai.

  5. Ask Thai people to support your learning.

The class is going to improve your Thai language abilities and save a lot of time!

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

The program to make you master essential basic Thai in an hour.

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What you will learn
  • Speak Thai by using basic expressions.
  • Comparison between Thai and English.
  • Introduce yourself in Thai.

Rating: 4.85

Level: Beginner Level

Duration: 1 hour

Instructor: Teacher Fam

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