Category Photography & Video

Curso do iniciante ao avançado - 58 aulas - 5,5 horas de vídeos - acesso vitalício - canal com o professor - 85 arquivos
Rating: 4.75

Le basi della fotografia e i fondamenti di GIMP
Rating: 4.05

【 RAW現像基礎講座 】「今までなんとなく現像してた…」「RAWってなんだか難しそう…」から卒業しよう!RAWデータの仕組みから現像の基本の実践まで、プロが丁寧に解説します。
Rating: 4.26

Learn Luma Fusion for iOS so that you can create stunning videos wherever you are.
Rating: 4.25

Bądź Profesjonalistą w Pracy z Photoshopem - Zacznij Tworzyć Niesamowite Zdjęcia!
Rating: 4.4

Créez vos vidéos en filmant avec votre appareil photo reflex, mirrorless, grâce à ce guide complet pour débutant!
Rating: 4.75

Learn to use the powerful and free HitFilm Express video editor to make and edit videos.
Rating: 4.7

Discover how you can start profiting from your drone photos. Novice to pro friendly!
Rating: 4.85

Your Online Guide to Professional Cinematography. Learn to Shoot Stunning Video Like a Professional With Any Camera.
Rating: 4.70221

Your Complete Guide to Editing your Wildlife Photographs and How to Use the Correct Workflow to save you Time Editing
Rating: 3.95

Entre no mercado áudio visual com estilo pelo aprendizado eficiente de uma das plataformas mais populares do mercado.
Rating: 4.7

Everything you need to know to create portraits, including gear choice, settings, editing, and working with your subject
Rating: 4.45

Optimiere deine Landschaftsaufnahmen gezielt mit Bildbearbeitung
Rating: 3.85

Professionell wirkende Videos von Anfang an!
Rating: 4

Você irá aprender do zero como usar sua câmera para conseguir boas fotos
Rating: 4.54545

Learn Professional Image Retouching in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Rating: 3.8

Realize seu sonho de aprender Fotografar e faça disso sua futura carreira Fotografando casamentos.
Rating: 4.5

Aprenda a fotografar os seus produtos sozinho, com qualidade profissional e usando apenas o seu celular.
Rating: 4.53333

Move from a beginner to an intermediate photography level by mastering more advanced technical and creative techniques.
Rating: 4.55

‘Learn from one of London's top production companies’. A Course in High End Video Production
Rating: 4.05

Learn to master Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CC for Wildlife Photography
Rating: 3.65

An Awesome and Fun introduction to the world of photography for kids aged 6-10.
Rating: 4.65

Buy This Course And Get Second Retouching Course FREE, Retouching, Skin, Photoshop Retouching, Portrait Retouching
Rating: 3.7

Aprenda a trabalhar a ambiência das fotos digitais com uma das plataformas mais respeitadas do mercado internacional
Rating: 4.4

The shortest, most complete step-by-step guide to video editing
Rating: 4.5

Take your wedding photography business to the next level - an introduction to attracting luxury wedding clients
Rating: 3.75

Aprende las bases de la Corrección de Color Cinematográfica en Davinci Resolve y sorprende a tus clientes
Rating: 4.1

Gestisci la fotografia paesaggistica: mare o montagna, giorno o notte, panoramiche o dettagli, saprei sempre cosa fare!
Rating: 4.31818

Wie du Bilder bearbeitest, die begeistern!
Rating: 3.8

The most absolute control over light you can possibly dream about
Rating: 4.45

Il corso essenziale per elaborare l'immagine digitale dalla A alla Z con Affinity Photo 1.6
Rating: 4.5

O melhor método para revolucionar sua fotografia de pessoas
Rating: 4.85

Esse curso vai do básico ao avançado e irá surpreender mesmo o profissional mais experiênte com super dicas em vídeos HD
Rating: 4.75

Learn to create productions and stream live to Facebook, Zoom, Youtube or Skype
Rating: 4.45455

"A'dan Z'ye Adobe Premiere Pro ile Kurgu/Montaj Eğitimi " Video düzenleme hakkında her şey | Montaj programını öğrenin.
Rating: 4.25

Lerne, wie du perfekte Langzeitbelichtungen in jeder Situation erstellst!
Rating: 4.6

Easy, fast, professional video production with Vegas Creative - Vegas Pro!
Rating: 4.15

Réalisez un "Digital Cinema Package" gratuitement en 1h et projetez votre film sur grand écran
Rating: 4.35
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